Request a trial lesson

Registration processWe provide lessons for both young and old. If you or your child would like to try a trial lesson, you can do so for free and without obligation. By clicking on the link below, you can register for a trial lesson.

Please note: The registration can only be done on a computer via Google Chrome/Firefox. Also, cookies need to be accepted. After registering, you will immediately receive a confirmation email. If you did not receive the confirmation, the registration did not go through properly. If you meet the above criteria but did not receive the confirmation email, please contact the membership administration at:

If you fill out this registration form, you will be registered as a trial member. Membership fees will only be deducted after you have taken the trial lesson and become a member of the club. Under the “program offerings” button in the menu, you can see which lessons we provide and for which programs there might be a waiting list. Despite any potential waiting list, a trial lesson is always possible.

The membership administration will respond to your request within 2 business days and let you know when the trial lesson is scheduled. In the field for notes, you can indicate your preferred date. If possible, this will be taken into account when scheduling.

Our classes often run at full capacity. Unfortunately, we sometimes face waiting lists, which might mean that joining might not be immediate. The waiting lists often arise due to a shortage of volunteers. If you’d like to help out, we’d love to hear from you and can provide more information. Experience is not required, but enthusiasm is 😊.

I would like to exercise at Gv Voorwaarts!

Would you like to play sports at Voorwaarts? Register for the trial lesson or for the waiting list. Participating in the trial lesson is possible as soon as a lesson place becomes available.